You can buy Tickets now...
How to buy Tickets ?
Step 1
Step 2
After that, you will recieved 2 E-Mails. The first E-Mail just confirm your Order.
The Second E-Mail is more importand. In this E-Mail, you will get a "Token". You need this "Token" to registrate on our Intranet and choosing your seat.
But dont be afraid. It is very easy. All information will be written in the Mail.
Look at our Specialpackages ... You can rent a SpeedSeat for better sitting oder choose our Coffeeflat. If you order the Coffeflat you get our Special Cup for free and Coffe for free as much as you can drink.
If you have any Problem, please write a WhatsApp Message. We will answer in Minutes in English !
0049 177 787 32 15
Attention for technical reasons choose Germany as the country of origin for your address
This Ticket is for 1 Person
At the Dropdownmenue you can choose your ticket with a rental Seat, with a Computer, or with a coffe-Flatrate
45,00 €
including tax
Free shipping to the following countries: Germany Show more Show less